sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2009

Lymph Drainage - Applications to Viscera : Thorax, Abdomen & Pelvis

Dora Franco, B.Sc., D.O., BI-D, ( ) completed the Course Lymph Drainage Therapy –Applications to Viscera: Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis , which was developed by Dr. Bruno Chikly, M.D. and D.O. (F). Created out of his award-winning research on the lymphatic system, LDT takes traditional lymph drainage techniques and adds a level of precision consistent with recent scientific discoveries.

The total amount of water represents an average of 60% of total body weight (TBW). However, there are a number of interindividual differences. A baby, for example, has 72% to 85% TBW of water in his tissues, whereas an elderly person may have only 50%. In cases of obesity, the water content may be 50% of the TBW, as fatty masses contain little water.

The lymphatic system transports large proteins, foreign bodies, pathogenic substances (germs, toxins, etc.) and many other components in its pathway through the lymphatic nodes, which act as an active purification centre. The nodes break down and destroy those particles so they can eventually be flushed out of the body through the eliminary tract.

This Course was developed to identify the specific rhythm, direction, depth and quality of the lymph flow in the viscera, which are impossible to be evaluated and corrected properly when using "modern" equipment.

It teaches rarely taught ligaments, organ interfaces and intraorgan restrictions for most of the viscera including esophagus, trachea, lungs, heart, mediastinum, liver, spleen, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines, kidney, thoracic diaphragm, bladder, uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, prostate and pelvic diaphragm.

Experienced therapists can "map" the lymphatic pathways with their hands ("lymphatic mapping"), as well as assess the patient before, during and after the session (full-body diagnosis). They can identify precise areas of the body with primary lesion, including where there is fluid retention or fibrosis and then find the most appropriate pathways for organs drainage using Lympho-fascia release (LFR), extracellular fluid techniques (EFT) and other techniques.

Often, even when it does not produce the expected results, the patients are still likely to experience positive reactions to the treatment which improves inter alia, physically, energetically and emotionally, their overall life quality.

B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science in Medicine
D.O. – Doctor in Osteopathy
BI-D – Barral Institute Diplomate Certification

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